Flanders climate data platform - bundling all information in a single portal
The Flanders climate information portal bundles current and future projections of primary climate indicators (temperature, precipitation, evaporation and wind), climate effects (heat, flood, rising sea levels, drought) and vulnerabilities (for people and buildings). Local authorities can use it to look for the specific climate change impact on their territory. Information is provided in the form of interactive maps, infographics, graphs and text and is available at different scales. Comparison of local indicators with average in Flanders is also possible.
Floating food farm - providing fresh food where land is scarce
It is predicted that the growing world population, soil exhaustion and climate change will result in a shortage of 22 million km² of arable land by 2050. Yet, 70% of the Earth's surface is water, and it is here that we need to look for new opportunities and solutions. Floating food farms on channels, rivers and lakes can provide large cities with fresh and sustainable food. It creates a special atmosphere in the city. Floating food farms are produced of sustainable expanded polystyrene (airpop) with a large floating capacity. A single square metre of airpop can carry 700kg of weight.
GreenValueGuidance - stimulate businesses to invest in public 'green-spaces'
It is no longer self-evident that 'green' in the urban environment is developed and managed by governments. Increasingly, responsibilities, also for 'green', will be shared by government with citizens and businesses. Currently, these parties are expected to take initiatives both individually and collectively. However, few companies in the city actively invest in 'green'. The GreenValueGuidance offers convincing arguments and practical guidelines for determining the added value of 'green'.
QUICKScan - jointly scope environmental problems and solutions in participatory settings
QUICKScan is a method, process and spatially explicit tool that jointly scopes land-use planning issues in a participatory setting. QUICKScan uses strongly moderated participatory workshops, bringing together a wide range of stakeholders relevant to the planning issue at stake. The QUICKScan tool encompasses a modelling environment with functionalities to assess societal- and environmental conditions, diagnose patterns and interactions, implement alternative responses and evaluate the impacts of those responses.